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public announcements



The Village of Fredonia will be picking up limbs and yard waste beginning Monday April 7, 2025, at 7 am. Collection will continue until every Village street has been completed.  Bags and brush are collected separately by different crews.  All items for collection must be at the curb no later than 7am Monday morning.  In no case will there be repeat collection of areas completed.


ALL YARD WASTE MUST BE BAGGED OR IN BARRELS. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO USE BIODEGRADABLE BAGS OR BARRELS AND ALL LIMBS AND BRUSH MUST BE TIED WITH TWINE.  Limbs and brush must be cut no longer than 4 feet in length with bundles being no larger than 18 inches in diameter.  Bundles and bags are limited to 65 pounds in weight.  There is no collection of loose material. NO LOOSE LEAVES WILL BE PICKED UP.

Residents are reminded that they can bring yard waste to 176 Eagle street. No bags or containers shall be left behind.



Agenda for 3/31/25




                                      Residents                                              Non-Profit:                                 Non-Residents:

                           Mon-Fri                      Sat-Sun           Mon-Fri                Sat-Sun                         Mon-Sun

UPPER (KIWANIS):   $55                        $70                  $50                         $55                                 $80

LOWER (ROTARY):   $55                        $70                  $50                         $55                                 $80

HAMLET:                    $45                        $55                  $45                         $50                                 $65

*Refunds will not be given for shelter reservation cancellations unless the Village is able to rent the pavilion to another party, in which case the fee will be refunded.



Village of Fredonia

Chlorine Pellet to Liquid Chlorine

March 20, 2025


Request for Proposals



Sealed proposals for moving from chlorine pellet disinfection to liquid chlorine disinfection are being sought by the Village of Fredonia for its Water Treatment Plant. All written proposals must be received by April 18, 2025 for consideration. 


The Village is seeking proposals on the system changes of modifying existing methods of disinfection to the water at the Water Treatment Plant.  This should include any engineering costs to determine what is the best way to make this change, all parts, and materials that the project will require, and any associated labor costs.


Proposals should include the following:


  • Engineering Costs

  • Breakdown of equipment (pumps, tanks, etc.) with associated costs

  • Labor Costs to complete project


Please contact Chief Water Operator, Luis Fred, to discuss specifications at or 716-785-9484.



The Village reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.  All proposals can be submitted to:



Village of Fredonia

9-11 Church Street

Fredonia, NY 14063


Please write “Chlorine Project" on the exterior of the envelope. Must be received by April 21, 2025 at 12pm.




Notice of Tax Relevy

Village of Fredonia


That any past due water and

Sewer charges not received by

April 18, 2025

Will be relevied onto the upcoming

Village tax bills.

Tax Receiver: Erlyssa LeBeau

Village of Fredonia

Fredonia, NY 14063




The Village Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday March 18th had been rescheduled to Monday, March 17, 2025.




State of Emergency Extension for March 2025


Village of Fredonia Water Supply Assessment Report 


Local Law No. 3 of 2025


                        This local law shall be entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 208-36(B) of the Code of the Village of Fredonia to Amend Current Parking Violation Rates.”


                        Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fredonia as follows:

                        Section 1.  Section 208-36(B) of the Code of the Village of Fredonia, last amended on November 10, 2009, by Local Law No. 7 of 2009, is hereby amended to read as follows:

B.     The police officer shall also attach to said vehicle a tag or notice to the owner thereof that a provision of said chapter or amendment hereto has been violated and instructing the owner, operator, or chauffeur thereof to report to the Village Clerk's office or Police Department and pay a traffic recording fee in the following amounts: 

(1)    For a violation involving a metered parking space, the sum of $25; provided, however, that whenever there is any meter violation in excess of two hours, the sum of $15 shall also be paid, and a $15 tag or notice shall also be attached to said vehicle. 

(2)    For unauthorized use of a handicapped parking space, the sum of $75, plus any additional state surcharge. 

(3)    For violation of any of the following:



Overnight parking during time prohibited by this chapter


Parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant


Parking within a zone or space or side of street designated as prohibited or a no-parking zone


Vehicle facing wrong way


Parking on a crosswalk


Parking in or in any manner obstructing a driveway, alley, or entranceway


Parking on sidewalk


Double parking


Unauthorized parking in fire-hall parking lot


Parking more than 24 hours in a designated twenty-four-hour parking space or more than two hours in a two-hour designated parking space (This applies to Village parking lots)


Parking in violation of designated one-half-hour or ten-minute parking space on Village streets


Parking in a non-metered handicapped zone for more than two hours


For violation of any other provisions of this chapter or any amendment thereto, unless otherwise specified


Too far from curb


Ten-minute parking zone


Parking a vehicle in violation of § 297-19.3B of the Code of the Village of Fredonia (front yard parking prohibited), except for temporary loading and unloading.


Unauthorized parking on private property (§ 208-25.1)



(4)    In the event that any of the above penalties is not paid within 14 days of the date of violation, an additional sum of $15 shall be paid per violation, and if not paid within 28 days of the date of violation, an additional sum of $30 shall be paid per violation. The Village Clerk's office or Police Department shall issue a receipt for the payment of such recording fee whenever requested. 

(5)    If any of the fines set forth above are not paid after 30 days from the date of violation, any police officer of the Village of Fredonia is authorized to issue an appearance ticket as authorized under Article 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of New York for failure to pay the fines set forth above.     

                        Section 2.  This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York as required by law.

The boil water order has been lifted for all Village of Fredonia customers. It is no longer necessary to boil water for drinking or cooking.  Samples have shown that the water is safe to drink. For more information call the Village at 716-679-2307 or the County Health Department at 716-753-4481

​The February 5th regularly scheduled Board Meeting for the Village of Fredonia Trustees has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 7 PM, Trustee Rm, second floor of Village Hall.

There will be a Village Board workshop starting at 9 am in the Trustee Rm on the second floor of Village Hall. The public does not speak at workshops.  Thank you

A STATE OF EMERGENCY will go into effect at 12 PM, today for the Village of Fredonia -AND- Town of Pomfret in anticipation of both the wind event and lake effect snowstorm.
An ON-STREET PARKING BAN will go into effect for ALL VILLAGE OF FREDONIA STREETS at 12 PM, today. This will ensure our roadways will be clear for our DPW, Utility Workers and Emergency Vehicles to operate.
The TRAVEL ADVISORY (not a ban) was placed into effect at 10 AM today due to the anticipation of this event.
Be safe, call 911 for any assistance that warrants it.

NY Main Street Grant RFP

Attention residents, the following State of Emergency if for funding opportunities. Our water continues to be safe to drink at this time.
Thank you

​​Fredonia Water Quality Report 2022

The Village of Fredonia is actively collecting loose and bagged leaves throughout the Village. Loose leaves may be raked to the curb and bagged leaves placed at the curb. No brush or limbs will be collected at this time. Residents are reminded they may bring yard waste to 176 Eagle Street Department of Public Works.

Russell Joy Park reservations and key returns are made by appointment only.
Please call 716-679-2311 and leave a voice mail. The recreation director will return your call.
(404 error for above PDF document)

Fredonia Fire Department Service Request Form

The Village of Fredonia has implemented a key deposit for trash and restrooms at Russell Joy Park pavilions. You will need to leave a $25 dollar deposit for each for all reservations from here on out. Please call 716-679-2311 if you have any questions. Thank you

Residents are reminded they may bring brush to the Village of Fredonia DPW at 176 Eagle Street. Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Chautauqua County Agricultural Inclusion Worksheet

Village of Fredonia Financial Statements 2022 (no document)

The Village of Fredonia is accepting applications for the position of Recreation Director. Qualifications include: Completion of two (2) years of study at a recognized college or university ; OR Two (2) years of responsible experience in recreation activities; OR Any equivalent combination of training and experience sufficient to indicate the ability to do the work. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications available on this website (THE LINK IS FARTHER DOWN THIS PAGE) or can be picked up in the Village Clerks office, 9-11 Church Street, Fredonia, NY 14063
Please send completed applications to
Annemarie Johnston
Village Clerk
PO Box 31
Fredonia, NY 14063
email to :

VILLAGE OF FREDONIA will be accepting applications for Full-time Chief Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.  Candidate must possess a Wastewater Treatment Plant Certification issued under the provisions of the New York State Sanitary Code in a grade determined appropriate by the appointing authority and three (3) years of experience as a Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, one (1) year of which shall have involved supervisory responsibilities. Applications may be obtained at:
           The Village Clerk’s Office
           9-11 Church Street
           Fredonia, New York 14063
​or at - Officials & Depts/ Clerk's Office
Monday – Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  Application deadline is December 14, 2023.

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